Are you on the train? Or are you at the station? From which perspective would you choose? Do you work there, on the train or at the station? Or are you a customer, someone who has paid a price for the ticket and is about to embark, just arrived, or just now leaving the destination?
Are you family or friends seeing one off or searching the crowd for a long lost face? Are you travelling for work and so have no one to greet you or see you off? Are you a spy searching for information or an informant? Are you searching for a suspect or a victim? Are you simply watching the trains go by?
Are you lost or sad, or excited and eager? Who are you in all this mess? Or is no one there but you? Are you the ticket collector on the train, going about your business, or have you snuck on board and trying to avoid him or her? Do you enjoy trains or hate them? Did you want to travel by train or are you shackled to the method of travel for some reason or another? What is that reason?
Is it evening, morning, or so late that all are asleep but you? Have you lost your luggage, or do you like to travel light? Did you pack a lunch or are you a big spender? How long is your trip or how short? Where are you going, where have you come from? Are you stopping to catch a bus or a taxi, or renting a vehicle to get around? Do you watch out the window or do you people-watch? Or are you consumed with your technological object in your hand or lap? Is something important or frivolous happening in your life right at that moment?
Can you see the stories, the adventures, the tragedies, and the comedies as they pass you by? Can you see how many directions and how straight the paths you could take? Can you see just how many stories there are at one juncture of one place in a fraction of a few moments?
Don't delude yourself or let others make you think it has all been written and there can never be anything new. Those are the ones who have lost their ideals. They have forgotten their dreams and let their imaginations dry up. There is always a new story to tell, a new character to meet, and a new world to walk among. The similarities are what allow us to connect, but the stories are not their plot points. They are like us: important to the final detail and as unique as fingerprints.
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