Friday, January 19, 2018

For the love of all that is hamburgers

Someone decided to print off a writing assignment at my work and they mistakenly chose my printer to use.  Well, I found it.  It was quite amusing as it was a love letter to a Whataburger hamburger.

Almost 4 years ago, we moved from Michigan to Texas and Whataburgers are abundant down here.  And extremely popular.  It is southern fast food.  That is the best way I can describe it.  Anyhow, I thought it quite amusing and fun.  I will say that he definitely used some great descriptive words and I could definitely tell that he and this hamburger hold quite a relationship. 

Although, word of advice, if your relationship with this alleged hamburger is greater than any relationship to a person, I would recommend talking to someone. And no, not the drive thru window at Whataburger.

I'm just having fun. I am always hesitant to read others' writing without their permission, so even though it was all in good fun, I feel a bit like I've betrayed that person.  So if you ever read this, oh lover of the Whataburger hamburger, I hope you can forgive me.

I mean, writing is a deep expression of self. At least, that is what it is to me.  So when people read my writing, I take a deep breath, and afterward need to remind myself that lungs go in and out, not just in.

It may stem from way way back when in first grade when my best friend at the time stole my homework and erased my name off of all of it and wrote hers at the top.  I've safeguarded all of my work ever since.  I've had other people try to do the same throughout my school years, and I just get so scared that someone will try to do that again at some point in the future.

I guess that's why when I hear about writers having their books leaked online or the like, I shake my head and wonder how in the world they didn't know to take extra precaution. 

And then there's me. I'm writing a blog and I'm letting my words out so aren't I supposed to know better?  But I understand that these words I reveal here, well, it is what it is.  Maybe one day I will copyright all this, but I don't consider any of this my best writing by far. I consider this more of my warm up.  My scratch paper. 

Besides, it would be nice to have people on this journey of mine.  It's good to share and not just bury things in the earth and let them slowly degrade over time.  Talents and hobbies are meant to be shared.  We learn more together than we ever could on our own.

An Ode to Tacos

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