Monday, May 7, 2012

The Philosophy of Aristotle

There have been many accomplishments in the past 4 weeks or so since my last post.  I finished the semester of school, achieving not only an A in my Creative Writing class, but finishing with a 4.0 for the semester bringing my cumulative GPA to a 3.82.  I'm very happy with it, but I am also happy with the advice I was able to receive from my writing professor on how to go about getting an agent, getting published, and even blogging.

There are many things that I have learned this past semester, including that while I may have confidence issues with myself, to have them with my writing as I have in the past, is a detriment to my publication status.  Since I've realized this, I've been working to put my insecurities aside and write, create, and more than anything submit my writing to contests and magazines. 

Shortly before the semester ended, I submitted four short stories to a writing contest.  It's a beginning.  I still have many more steps to take.  However, I've been working on writing my novels as well, and I am excited to do so.  I sometimes think I give myself extra stress because writing just shouldn't be so much fun!

I've also finally procured a copy of the philosophy of Aristotle regarding: metaphysics, logic, physics, psychology, ethics, politics, and poetics.  I am excited to reread Aristotle's Poetics and to indulge myself in his other works. 

I am also looking forward to rereading Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces and Stephen King On Writing.  Besides the fiction books I am intent on reading this summer, I have a nice round list of texts to apply myself to.

Spring cleaning has been my major priority for the last week or so, but once it is complete, I get to devote myself to my daughter, to my writing, and to my books.  I am looking forward to a wonderfully vibrant summer this year.

First, find out what your hero wants. Then just follow him.  ~Ray Bradbury