About This Blog

Poetics are the constitutive elements of a writer's writing.  Let's say your own: what makes your writing yours, what defines it, what gives it value.  If, as Gerald Graff has argued, our ability to read well depends on our ability to talk well about our reading, the same can be said of writing.  So we must learn to talk about it, talk well about our writing.  Here, we engage our poetics. (from Critical Terms For Creative Writers: An Easy Reference Guide)

This is a blog about how I'm attempting to fit my writing into everyday, ever normal, and not so normal, life. You will get to follow me as I find the self-discipline within myself to write, and even more, the inspiration to write. And eventually, I will note on the editing process and how much I both love and despise taking a red pen to my work.

With you, I will share my ups, downs, turn-arounds; my successes and my failures from the beginning to the day my novel sits atop a shelf in a bookstore.  Let's hope the journey is as fulfilling for you, as it is for me.