Friday, June 18, 2010

An Introduction of Sorts

Getting started is always difficult.  Perhaps that is why it has come to needing this blog.  Finding the self-discipline to write a novel has been a struggle.  I have the outline, the entire story sitting in my brain as well as on a few pages, and yet I still have yet to put pen to paper and let the story begin.  So, here I am, thinking that this will help, by giving me a shred of accountability, as well as an incentive for the outflow of how frustrating it is to find and hold on to inspiration.

So before I get too far into everything else zooming around my brain, let me introduce myself.  My name is Bethany and I am almost 28 years old.  I am happily married to my husband, and we have a crazy, smart, and cute dog.  At the moment, life is at that changing point, or coming to and we are attempting to prepare for it.

In the midst of all this, I am going to begin writing my first novel.  The genre is science fiction, which is a topic that I never really felt I would be writing, but Stephen King was going to write westerns and look at him now.  I'm expecting it to be in the market for young adult fiction or, perhaps, even teen fiction. 

I tend to read fiction along these lines, as well as in the children's fiction section of the library.  I have always had a taste for fiction, though I have come to understand and enjoy the value that is non-fiction.  I am sometimes very picky in my reading choices and I go through phases of genre, age, and popularity.  Occasionally, I may mention a movie or book that is aiding me in the writing process of the time, or is just interesting in general, though I will try to not go too far off tangent.  I will be as informative as possible in these cases, citing the proper author and title, so you can take note of the book for yourself, if you feel so inclined.

Please feel free to ask questions, comment, or refer me to anything that you may find pertinent to this blog.  I am always seeking new information and ideas. 

This blog has been specifically designed to help me through the writing process, both with my successes and pitfalls.  Often, I may write about things that I have discovered that work for my process. I will probably wonder about others' processes as well, so again, feel free to share.  This always helps me, because I find my process changes from one writing project to the next.  Sometimes, I have a lot of processes; sometimes, I have none. 

I'm hoping, that through my own elaborations and information, I can help others to find their own path through the writing process.  It's nice to not have to walk the path alone all the time.

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