Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Quote Stew

I've been writing a lot today and I am still somewhat in that dreamy mode that I get into when I write.  So I will be brief today.  However, I cannot leave you with nothing, now can I?

On Wednesdays, I will make an effort to leave you with a taste of inspiration from a myriad of authors and their own experiences with the writing process, the writing business, and authoring in general.  So enjoy and please excuse the hastiness, in which I put this together:

Every writer I know has trouble writing. ~Joseph Heller, novelist

If writers were good businessmen, they'd have too much sense to be writers. ~Irwin S. Cobb, playwright

I'm only really alive when I'm writing.  ~Tennessee Williams, playwright

There is no rule on how to write.  Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly.  Sometimes it's like drilling rock and blasting it out with charges. ~Ernest Hemingway, novelist

Today it began like drilling rock and blasting, but now it is coming easily and perfectly.  I am so excited, I'm going to ditch this blog entry and go back to writing.  It is getting to be that much fun.  I wish you all happy endeavors on your writing. 

True writing finds you and makes you tell.

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