Monday, March 5, 2012

Post Disaster-A-Thon

I survived the illness of Write-A-Thon 2012!  I need a T-shirt to that effect at any rate.  Unfortunately, because I was unable to finish, I didn't get a chance to really update you all to let you know what happened during the write-a-thon.  I'll have to collect my images and notes and give you a post to that effect. 

In the meantime, however, I still have not decided when to re-convene my goals.  By the time I got over my fever (Thursday afternoon or thereabouts), it was time to start in on my homework for school.  Most of the remainder of my week was dedicated to studying and spending time with my family before school started back up today.  So the initial outlook on my re-issuance of my write-a-thon will not be until after the end of the semester.  As to that, I'm not sure yet.  I will keep you posted though. 

One of the other things I did this last week was that I compiled a list of things to blog about, so that you don't have to listen to my random ramblings about writing or not-writing.  Here's a taste of things I'm going to try to touch on: my favorite authors and books, my favorite genres to write and read, current reading, writing prompts, inspirations, schooling, guilty pleasures, favorite and least favorite English teachers, grammar, symbols, setting, character, topic, theme, plot, Aristotle, Joseph Campbell, mythology/folklore/legend/lore, and more. 

If you have any requests for topics of discussion on this blog, feel free to comment.  I welcome any and all suggestions.  Though this may benefit me greatly in writing this blog, I would like to be able to benefit others in what they may be searching for or wondering about.  That includes you.

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